Personal Information Privacy Policy
Personal Information Privacy Policy Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho, Ltd. (abbreviated as ‘TKS’ from this line) recognizes the importance of personal information on high degree telecommunication information society.
Acquisition of Personal information
TKS acquires personal information following fair and lawful methods.
Use of personal information
TKS uses only necessary acquired personal information for the necessary criteria and range for business execution.
TKS ensures appropriate auditing of the third party when TKS needs to share the personal information or the third party needs to use the personal information.
Personal information provided by third parties
TKS does not provide acquired personal data to third parties without any approvals except required by law.
Personal information management
TKS keeps personal information and its correctness, and this information is managed securely.
TKS uses systems to prevent personal information loss, damage, deletion, modification, unauthorized access and computer viruses.
TKS prohibits its information and personal information to be sent outside the company.
Information, correction, suspension and removal of personal information
TKS makes sure personal information to be promptly corrected, suspended and or removed when requested by the author.
Please do not hesitate to ask TKS consulting team any questions, or make any comments, in regards to the collection, use and management of personal information.
Organization / System
The personal information manager appointed by TKS will manage the personal information implementation.
TKS trains board members and staff in terms of ‘how to manage and protect personal information’ and ‘how to manage and use personal information in day-to-day work’.
Enact, implement, maintain, and improve personal information protection laws
TKS acts under Personal Information Protection Law and Compliance Plan (Comprehensive Policy, “Personal Information Protection Procedure” and other laws) to execute this policy. TKS continues raising awareness of personal data to TKS workers and related staff to keep improving the protection scheme.